Horse Arena - Morgan, Utah


Residential / Steel


Completion Date

 Summer 2016


Job Duration

 6 Months




Square Footage




Morgan, Utah 84050



Steel-framed, indoor horse arena. Includes horse stalls area and indoor parking for horse trailer. Also includes covered outdoor storage area. 3 garage doors.

See related projects:
Hay Barn - Milton, Utah
Homland Vinyl Products

  1. Interior of Horse Arena

    interior of residential horse arena built by Center Point Construction
  2. Work in progress - horse arena

    steel framing process of residential horse arena
  3. Interior - horse stalls

    horse stalls located in the interior of the horse arena
  4. Front exterior of horse arena

    garage door and front of residential horse arena
  5. Interior of horse arena

    parking and storage area of residential horse arena, also with horse stalls